Thriller Movies


There are bad movies, there are really bad movies, and then there’s “Lumina,” a film so breathtaking in its overall incompetence that one starts to wonder if it’s not intentionally so in the hope of being the next “The Room” or “Birdemic.” How else to explain some of the laughable shot choices, inconsistent characters, nonsensical plotting, and dialogue that sounds like it was either produced by A.I. or Google Translate of a script written in another language? One of the hardest working men in the history of his industry, Eric Roberts, pops in and out for a matter of minutes, able to elevate the flick slightly with his playful line readings before even his scene gets sucked into the tractor beam of idiocy that this film seems to willfully embrace. Roberts has notoriously made over 700 films in his notable career – it’s hard to believe many are worse than this one.

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